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Sugar: Not so Sweet

This event is sponsored by the Facebook group: 100 Kansas Street, based in Frankfort, Illinois. Each month they host a networking luncheon. This month I will be presenting on the topic of sugar and the effects on our bodies.

The event ticket is $30, which includes lunch, a non alcoholic beverage and a dessert.

Location: Social 45 20805 S La Grange Rd, Frankfort, Illinois 60423

This event is sponsored by the Facebook group: 100 Kansas Street, based in Frankfort, Illinois. Each month they host a networking luncheon. This month I will be presenting on the topic of sugar and the effects on our bodies.

The event ticket is $30, which included lunch, a non alcoholic beverage and a dessert.

Location: Social 45 20805 S La Grange Rd, Frankfort, Illinois 60423

Earlier Event: February 13
12 min Reiki Session
Later Event: March 6
Breathwork with Brandy & Bloom