Hi! My name is Candice.
Bloom: Natural Solutions to Wellness is a private health and well-being practice centered on Mind, Body, Spirit healing. I provide the tools and support you need to begin living a healthier lifestyle, encouraging growth in your physical, emotional and mental health.
The story
Most of my life, I have suffered from migraines. Different phases of life meant changes in the migraine patterns. After the birth of my 3rd child, I broke down thinking, “I just can’t handle this anymore.” The traditional prescription medications I had been taking for years were not alleviating the symptoms and nothing seemed to eliminate the constant, and debilitating, pain. Not only did I want to end the struggle, I needed to know why I was getting the migraines and why nothing could eliminate them
During the same period, my husband and my children were going through their own struggles and setbacks. The normalcy of “just dealing with it” did not seem right after a while. I hit a place where I refused to accept the ‘new normal’ of pain and hurt. I knew I needed to make some major change to improve our quality of life. This is why I started to research food and came to realize, the old adage, “you are what you eat” has never been truer than it is today.
Education and Career Path
I am a Licensed Clinical Counselor (LCPC) and have spent most of my career working within the justice system. My early career was with juveniles, and eventually transitioned to working with adults with Traumatic Brain Injury and HIV. With each client I worked with, the theme of “You are what you eat” continued to ring true. As my patients were dealing with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, behavior issues and mental health issues, they were continually prescribed medications. Nobody talked to them about nutrition, lifestyle choices, or non-medication based solutions. I hold a certification in health coaching, an emotion code certification, and certified in Reiki Level I & II. Through these certifications and practices, I can offer full Mind, Body, Spirit Healing modalities.
Major Changes Brought Major Results
Through the years, we have many major changes in our lifestyle. As we embraced changes, the frequency, intensity, and duration of my migraines dissipated into nothing more than a rare inconvenience. My children became healthier, happier and more energetic and even better behaved!
Our solution was changing the way we ate and how we lived. By simplifying our lives, we learned how to live more fully, more energetically, and more happily. Our choices became homeopathically based and I began to use dōTERRA essential oils and products. We reduced our intake of harmful chemicals found in everyday products. Between dōTERRA and other synthetic free products, we have become stronger from the inside out.
After the implementation of the energy work, Body Code/Emotion Code & Reiki our lives began to flourish even more! I couldn’t believe the results after removing the negative energies and imbalances how much clearer, and “lighter” we all felt. Through all the years of practice, I will now start sessions with the energy work and provide the necessary coaching within each session. No two bodies are alike and therefore no two sessions are alike.
I fully endorse the companies and persons listed in the My Preferences tab. I do not require any clients to use, buy, sell these products or services. The use of any, or all, is at the client’s discretion. These are only tools that support the the work being done & may be suggested at the time of service and do not replace the guidelines I provide in session.