Take A Walk

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Are you completely beside yourself by mid-day with e-learning, work, family life, errands, managing the house, managing others? Any or all of the above? Then it’s time to take a walk.

When the day is over for you and/or your kids, take a quick walk. It does’t have to be long or time consuming, A quick walk around the block, up and down the stairs of your condo/apartment, around the house; however, you can fit it in will give your body and brain the break it needs from sitting at a desk all day. Removing yourself from the screen, breathing in the fresh air, and physically moving your body will hit the reset button. Your eyes will thank you from separating from the screen, Your joints will be delighted to stretch and move after hours of sitting, and your brain & lungs will enjoy the fresh air and absorb all that mother nature has to offer. If you cannot go outside, open a window, while walking around the house.

We all need a break…allow yourself that treat of removing yourself from the daily grind to introduce movement into your routine.

Let me help you Bloom!

Candice Cuevas